Basic skin care routine

When season change, its time to take a look at your skin carefully. If you are over 30 this is a must.

Although, my first priority always had been “pimples” which started from my teens and couldn’t get rid of it for a long time, so “exfoliation” came first at anytime. As a typical Asian girl (Ummm ‘woman’ might sound better though) I do look younger than my age, BUT because of this long-term exfoliation habit my skin desperate moisturizers, especially around wrinkles.

If you are over 30years old and struggled with pimples like me please please take a good look at yourself. You might find small fine lines, spots and freckles that you haven’t mentioned.

Here I will explain the basic skin care routine briefly.

Step 1 Cleans ; Cleansing is the only thing that skin itself cannot do, so any skin type needs to cleans especially by the end of the day.

Step 2 Lotion ; Hydrate with a light texture and spread all over your face, neck and decollete (low-neckline).

Step 3 Emulsion/Essence/Serum ; Don’t directly apply hard texture cream it won’t penetrate into your skin. 

Step 4 Moisturizer/Cream ; Put a lid on and it also nourish your skin too.

Step 5 Eye Cream ; We blink more than15,000 times a day special treatment is a must.

Step 1 to 5 is needed through the year but if you feel Stickiness or Dryness you should consider renewing your skin care.

On my next post I will introduce my favorite skin care products.




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