Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my readers. 
It’s really amazing to get in touch with people who are interested in my blog.
Today, I want to give a special thanks to my family and all my friends and 
to the people who inspired me throughout this year.

EnchantSKIN beauty blog Christmas 2017


Basic skin care routine

When season change, its time to take a look at your skin carefully. If you are over 30 this is a must.

Although, my first priority always had been “pimples” which started from my teens and couldn’t get rid of it for a long time, so “exfoliation” came first at anytime. As a typical Asian girl (Ummm ‘woman’ might sound better though) I do look younger than my age, BUT because of this long-term exfoliation habit my skin desperate moisturizers, especially around wrinkles.

If you are over 30years old and struggled with pimples like me please please take a good look at yourself. You might find small fine lines, spots and freckles that you haven’t mentioned.